Hi Alena,

Where do I begin? Perhaps by saying that I am thankful that my son and family chose Animal Land Pet Movers to transport their beloved dog Watson to Germany to be re-united with them. For animal lovers this is an emotional process as it was for me.

When they put me in contact with you I was initially overwhelmed with the requirements to complete the process. Your positive attitude, friendliness and total accessibility guided me through all of the steps. In hind sight I now know all my concerns were unfounded.

It became obvious immediately that I was working with an experienced professional who loved her job, people and animals. It was comforting to know that you also had a German Shepherd and how pets are important parts of our lives. Your concern for Watson's well being impressed me. All aspects of his well being were addressed.

Animal Land Pet Movers provided all the necessary paperwork to be completed, made all the required USDA appointments for me, suggested an itinerary of days and times for me to complete all the needed documents. This valuable daily plan allowed me to get Watson from Kentucky to the Atlanta airport and then to Germany within the valid time period of the USDA certificate. The pet handler Colleen who received Watson in Atlanta was also amazing. Watson took to her immediately!

I cannot state enough how much my son , daughter-in-law and I appreciate your efforts to make this process come to fruition. Not only was the transport a success but I feel like I have made a life-long friend by interacting with you. Your concern for your clients and their pets is heart-warming. Animal Land Pet Movers is fortunate to have you on their team. Should anyone I know need assistance in transporting their pet I will definitely recommend that they contact ALPM!

Cindy Pontrich
August 2018

Cindy Pontrich