
Let go of your fears regarding pet transport when you use Animal Land Pet Movers. Their assigned transport counselor Julia Harris did an outstanding job. There was excellent contact by e-mail and phone during the booking phase of the trip. Concerns were addressed in full and immediately.

Even during my Barrsie’s (my cat) trip, I was updated on his check-in, his condition and comfort during lay-overs and his departures and arrivals. I very highly recommend Animal Land Pet Movers and especially Julia.

Peter W. Roelvink, Dublin CA

Barrsik_Roelvink Let go of your fears regarding pet transport when you use Animal Land Pet Movers. Their assigned transport counselor Julia Harris did an outstanding job. There was excellent contact by e-mail and phone during the booking phase of the trip. Concerns were addressed in full and immediately. Even during my Barrsie’s (my cat) trip, I was updated on his check-in, his condition and comfort during lay-overs and his departures and arrivals. I very highly recommend Animal Land Pet Movers and especially Julia.  

Peter W. Roelvink, Dublin CA