Was in the process of relocating a pet into Singapore from the US and the Singapore company recommended me Animal Land Pet Movers to handle the export in the US.

Sunni answered all my queries promptly and after paying the deposit, I was assigned Dana. She was also very responsive too and meticulous. Since I was already in Singapore, my in-laws in the US who were looking after my pet were in constant contact with Dana as well and found her friendly and professional.

The entire process was smooth and Colleen picked up my pet from my in-laws’ house in another state and delivered the pet all the way to the international airport in Atlanta. My in-laws also found Colleen to be friendly too and she called them after my pet was checked in for the flight.

Dana kept me updated throughout the entire process from when the flight departed the US, to the transit in the animal hotel in Europe, and when the flight departed Europe.

My pet arrived happy and safe. Will recommend ALPM for anyone relocating pets!

Delia - November 2021